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SYRCL’s annual Wild and Scenic Film Festival to hit ETSU virtually

Lucy Groscost

The South Yuba River Citizen’s League’s Wild and Scenic Film Festival is making its fourth appearance at ETSU this spring.

Presented locally by ETSU's Department of Sustainability and Department of Media and Communication, the festival will be held virtually on April 10 at 7 p.m.

The event will consist of a series of 14 films ranging between 3 and 25 minutes each that inspire environmental activism and encourage festival-goers to learn more about what they can do to save the planet. Individuals will be given up to five days post premier to stream the videos.

“There will be various films about outdoor recreation and progress of sustainable efforts to protect the environment,” said Molly Yates, a member of ETSU’s sustainability student group, the EcoNuts.

The Wild and Scenic Film Festival is the largest annual fundraiser for SYRCL. Locally, the organization raises funds and awareness to recover California’s wild salmon and protect the Yuba River watershed. Globally, the festival generates critical funds and increases awareness for grassroots environmental causes.

“The importance of this event is to inspire and educate our students and local residents,” said EcoNut team leader Madison Hayton. “We bring this festival to showcase films that can give our community new perspectives on activism.”

Through consistently partnering with new environmental groups, nature centers, nonprofits, churches and colleges, the festival is able to reach over 65,000 people annually - growing the environmental movement.

ETSU’s personal partnership SYRCL will directly benefit the Appalachian Resource Conservation and Development Council, whose mission is to conserve natural resources and improve rural economies through community leadership and enhanced educational opportunities.

The festival is free to ETSU students and $5 for public admission.

Wild and Scenic Film Festival tickets are available at, and for more information visit or email


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